Sunday, January 22, 2006

Gerry Fights On

Ex ACT MP, Gerry Eckhoff, continues the fight for property rights.

"Mr Eckhoff says DOC has told the farmers a botanical survey will have to be done on their land before they will ever get any form of resource consent."

So Gerry took out a trespass notice against them. 12 other farmers have signed it. His advice to landowners - if you have something special on your property, best get rid of it.

Once again, the state's use of force achieves the opposite of the intended result.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gerry is one of the ACT MPs I'd like to see back in parliament. If it were up to me Act would have had enough for four MPs at least and Gerry and Lindsay would have been the other two. But alas they don't let you skip over the ones you don't like.