The welfare state is unsustainable economically, socially and morally.
With 183,000 single parents receiving the domestic purposes benefit, it was important to pay attention to how changes to the benefit system would affect them.
Approximately 183,000 children are being raised in a family on a Domestic Purposes Benefit.
“living in a benefit-dependent home has serious impacts on child wellbeing.”
We have heard all of this before, along with the willingness to distort everything we know about the welfare system to win the argument.
What we need is an approach that will harmonise social policy with economic development and identify social programmes that make a contribution to economic growth.
If this can be done, the case for social welfare holding back growth is weakened and arguments in favour of social welfare become compelling.
I call this alternative social development because it provides a justification for redistribution by advocating resources be put into social investments that will impact positively on the economy.
Mike O'Brien, an associate professor of social policy at Massey University, questions the focus on dependency. He writes that other than anecdotal stories and "prejudicial assertion", no evidence is presented to support the claim about benefit "dependence".
On average, sole parents receiving main benefits had more disadvantaged backgrounds than might have been expected:
• just over half had spent at least 80% of the history period observed (the previous 10 years in most cases) supported by main benefits
• a third appeared to have become parents in their teenage years
He [Key] signalled that he also wanted final proposals from the welfare working group, due to report in February, translated into policy by the next election.
One of the problems in any democratic society is that when left-of-centre parties are in power they tax heavily the high-income minority to win votes from the majority. For at least a time, they can be almost guaranteed of winning if they take $1,000 off one voter and give $200 to each of five voters (after clipping the ticket on the way through of course!). Right-of-centre governments feel obliged to continue that policy, even where it violates their constitution and destroys the country’s future.
The problem is that, unless those policies are reversed from time to time, we get a steady increase in the size of government, and a steady increase in the tax burden carried by the most productive members of our community. It takes courage, vision and moral purpose to reverse that trend.