The campaign is an experience that makes me even more than usually aware of how the vast majority of people are in socialism up to their necks. It is a mindset that blinds them to what present day politics is all about. Vividly demonstrating this is a statement in today's Dominion Post by Grey Power;
We have a political system which has been built up to serve politicians and vested interest groups, rather than serving the public.Now what is Grey Power if it isn't a 'vested interest group'?
I turned 49 yesterday so in just one more year I will qualify to join this crew. I can't wait - not.
Grey Power epitomises the pursuit of privilege. They cleverly cover this by tugging on the heartstrings with cases of elderly people shivering in their cold homes, suffering on hospital waiting lists. All the while thuggishly pulling the guilt lever on those who have not yet reached that lofty position of having 'paid taxes and served their countries all their working lives'.
Their inability to step back and see that the problems affecting them are a product of the political system they fuel and feed on by boastfully reminding politicians that their ranks hold many, many thousands of voters and their bidding should be heeded by those whose seek power.
What tops it then is to hear members almost uniformly slating Roger Douglas, the man who did more than any other politician this country has ever seen to try and tear apart this nasty, sticky web of socialism whereby the biggest whiners win the day. He opposed privilege in its every manifestation.
Perhaps Grey Power are cleverer than I give them credit for. Perhaps they understood that if people like Prebble and Douglas had their way there would be no government of any consequence worth whingeing to. That their own children and grandchildren might be infinitely better served by a government that stopped robbing people blind, allowing real freedom and prosperity, seems of little consequence.
The advert describes Grey Power as 92,000 mature citizens. Mature? My definition of mature requires that people have grown up and are able to think for themselves. This bunch are the herd-like cradle-to-gravers who are responsible for the last 50 years of the scratch my back politics we should all loathe and fear.
And get this. They want to know...
"...why governments have to tax the hell out of our superannuitants to pay for other vote catching bribes."They just don't get it. Lie down with dogs etc.