In response to my post yesterday which suggested blaming government for obesity is an adrogation of personal responsibility, Rodney Hide writes:
I think you are wrong on this one Lindsay.
The government mantra is “calories in, calories out” with massive public programmes to “eat less, move more”. They are abject failures.
The government likewise has had a massive programme for years all around the world to demonise animal fat. It has worked. Animal fat consumption has dropped enormously.
People eat industrially-made margarine instead of butter and sugar laden manufactured cereals instead of bacon and eggs. Our meat is all low fat.
We have got fatter and sicker.
Homeostasis is the rule -- not the exception -- in the animal kingdom.
Fat metabolism is no different. It’s been known for years that fat accumulation is caused by dysregulation.
The culprit appears to be insulin spiked by excessive sugar and carbohydrate, which breaks down to sugar. People are eating more -- and exercising less -- because they are dysregulated. They can’t eat less because they feel they’re starving -- their brain is telling them they are because of the dysregulation.
The problem is this: cut out the fat and the carbohydrate goes up. In fact, the government mantra is “healthy, whole grains” a food we didn’t eat for 99.5 percent of our existence.
The food manufacturers love it. “Fat-free” is manufactured food. Pharmaceutical companies love it. Look where the big expenditure is on drugs.
Tragically, it now appears that poor eating by parents epigentically affects their offspring. Adult onset diabetes has had to be relabeled as type 2 diabetes.
It’s the same as “global warming”. The government has invested and built a bureaucracy around “unhealthy” eating and failed nutrition advice. It’s hard to imagine that bureaucracy admitting it’s wrong.
I have turned the food pyramid upside down. And never been better!
Rodney Hide
47 minutes ago