Trevor Mallard has two graphs comparing unemployment benefit numbers when National took over and September 2011, and unemployment numbers over a similar period. Putting aside the international recession which has seen the unemployment rate rise significantly but not as badly as in many other developed countries - the OECD Europe average is 9.2 compared to NZ's 6.5 - Trevor couldn't resist mucking about with the scales to create a misleading impression. The first starts at zero and the second starts at 75,000.
Update. My comment at Red Alert was censored and now appears as:
Your second graph should start at zero like the first. By using two different scales you create a misleading impression. Balance deleted. You have done plenty of statistical work yourself over the years. You know my graphs are clearly marked. Stop your nonsense. Trevor
For the record the deleted balance consisted of, Oh silly me. That was your intention.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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Yeah, but try debating policy on Red Alert: the Labour MP's seem incapable of doing so.
Tribeless: one year ban from posting on Red Alert ;) And that was just from complaining, repeatedly, about a moderation policy that allows some posters to go straight to board, while others are kept back for hours, and by the time they go up, are so far up the queue it's pointless.
Moderate chronologically or turn off comments altogether, Red Alert.
Looks like I am now also being moderated Tribeless. My follow-up comment has been held up all morning:
A graph does not need to start at zero. Agreed. However, if you produce two side by side, using the same format, labelling, typeface, messaging etc, and especially if you intend to use them in electioneering material, you should be consistent. Many members of the public will not notice the difference in scale.
Yes, the selective moderation tends to turn the comments section into show trials :)
The maddening thing is you get so frustrated with posts going up below yours, that you, well I, end up blowing up, then you, well, I, get the ban for being rude.
The Left: wouldn't want them running a country like they run their blog.
Oh, regarding your censored post, yeah, in the tradition of the Left, Totalitarian Trev likes to rewrite history, even if only by omission :)
You might get to a full ban quicker than I did: well done.
Why should Trevor compare like with like. Like him it's flaky figuring that makes him look stupid.
Lucky Trevor isn't teaching anymore I suppose
Keep up your 'nonsense' Lindsay!
Lindsay I think you will find that anyone with any degree of intelligence opposing the nonsense that is posted day in and day out on Red Alert gets moderated. :)
This is a party whose campaign manager has the lack of morality and good conscience to comment
"Trevor Mallard says:
October 23, 2011 at 3:42 pm
"@Monty. FYI Rena reaction from Key has given us a nice boost in a variety of ways."
A party that tries to get political mileage out of circumstances - often tragic - that are beyond the control of any government is quite simply beneath contempt.
All we have to do is hope that the rest of NZ will continue to think the same thing.
Interesting how they do seem to always massage the stats. Their arrogance in assuming that we are all so stupid that we can't find out the real information from the real sources ourselves is sure to be their downfall.
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