RNZ report;
Radio New Zealand's political editor who is at the conference says some business delegates wanted to discuss changes that could be made to free up the Employment Relations Act.
They were told bluntly at a closed session that this was not the place to talk about legislation and that Prime Minister John Key was not prepared to have that sort of debate.
Did you know the Magna Carta was against tariffs?
28 minutes ago
If you follow link, nothing you quote can be found.
For whatever reason, it's been changed.
More accurately, 'updated'.
The one thing they can do that will actually create jobs is change the legislation that makes it more costly to hire. So Key has ruled out the only thing that makes the creation of legitimate jobs possible. In that case, why bother attending?
There are lots of things they could do:
* corporate tax and FBT to zero
* minimum wage to zero
* dole to zero
* cut public service wages by say 30%
* fire 20,000 pubic servants
all of these moves would greatly increase employment in NZ. The currently government has made no economically significant changes to Labour's policies. None at all. Just window-dressing.
So its no surprise NZ's economy is going on where Labour sent it - gathering speed down the gurgler!
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