National should have ignored the bollocks about women being particularly vulnerable in a recession; the braying from the Greens, the foremost stalwarts of slavish genderism.
Everybody is vulnerable.
But Pansy Wong, Minister of Women's Affairs, a department any government serious about cutting costs would have obliterated, had to put out a soppy statement reassuring women that their voices would be heard at the job summit. Still buying into all that collectivist claptrap from the left. While you are at it, are there going to be enough Asians in attendance, Pansy?
Did you know the Magna Carta was against tariffs?
27 minutes ago
Will the Nats get rid of that odious affront to equality?
Not on your life. There must be at least a dozen departments which could be canned overnight and nobody--except the parasites they 'employ'--would even notice.
Well said Mitch. Wong needs a good arse kicking. I'm so sick of these dipshits talking as if they're an alternative to Labour, and then, after they're elected, acting just the same as Labour.
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