I don't know why we Wellingtonians should be the sole sufferers of Chris Trotter's emissions. Anyone of you who ever let a logical thought override emotion, hang your head in shame. There is no place for both. Certainly not in the place Mr Trotter calls "The Left";

What a load of rubbish Trotter writes, that is, if you can call that writing. He appears pompous, sanctimonious and sublimely ridiculous (again).
I for one cannot take it anymore.
An awful way of starting the day. He just ruined it for me!
Trotter is a pain in the proverbial.
Unfortunately over the last few months the DomPost seems to have dumped all of the pragmatic writers.
One thing that peed me of is (a while back) that sanctimonious Russ Brown referring to Garth McVicars opinions as "dross"....
I thought it was quite a good piece. If you have read some of the vitriol from those on the right you would understand where he was coming from. Are we really that harsh that we expect people to get everything right every time. Otherwise they deserve to die...
If that is the case call me a leftie.
She trusted doctors to discharge her from hospital cos she was not that ill. They cut off the power because they must know something she does not.
He completely ignored that it was a public entity under a Labour-led government that demands huge dividends from it cut the power off.
He ignored the fact the public health system released her from the hospital in such a state that without the oxygen machine she died.
The probably needed the bed for someone worse off.
That's after billions of dollars poured into health with no result, or in some areas a worst result.
He completely ignored the fact that the left and the Greens in particular have stopped power generation schemes over the last 7 years causing power prices to surge by 40% in real terms. Impacting on low-income and fixed-income people the worst.
But that's OK for Mr Trotter - try and blame the right-wing for it's supposed preceived failings.
Don't actual look at the actual causes that led to her death, because it might mean you have to actual consider the real problems caused by the left-wing in this country.
I didn't know they had electricity at Parihaka.
I bet a fair few Maoris and Islanders are just as perplexed at how this tragedy came to be laid at anyone elses door but the Muliaga family.
Just because you don't go to funerals and give eulogies for people who you never knew doesn't mean you lack compassion or empathy or think anybody deserves to die.
Some comments from far right commentators have been disgusting but so is Trotters over intellectualized vitriolic nonsense.
Trotsy summarised:
How dare you have an opinion different to mine on [insert subject]
Yeah, that article right pissed me off this morning.
Summed up: "Analysing the causality of the event is wrong! A big company cut a service to a poor minority, so obviously it's their fault.
A victim's actions and the facts of a situation are irrelevant as to culpability, and anyone who thinks people should take responsibility for their own decisions has a small penis."
It's not supporting the weak that people are outraged about; it is ever increasing number of agencies required to help these people. Excusing people from having to be responsible for themselves breeds dependance.
Do we have any idea of the Muliagas financial position, including benefit entitlement? I can see how those who don't own their own homes could get into the poo. While some people have done very well in the last decade, wages haven't risen for the low paid ("The Warehouse, The Warehouse,...with an Unlimited supply of cheap labour...!"--- That's a factor)
No doubt there will be plenty of similar sanctimonious drivel at this conference in Wellington this weekend: "Pakeha NZers talk identity in a colonised land". Apparently, being white is okay so long as you "fess up" to your part in "white hegemony". Trotter obviously counts himself as one of the superior class of "redeemed" whites. Unbelievably, this crap is now being taught in our universities, under the heading of "critical white studies".
Hi, we've got no problem with you paying the $25 or $55 rate. We'd rather you came to the conference than not at all.
We just assumed that if you were coming in your capacity as a government official then your work would be paying for it.
The most puzzling part of the piece is the concluding sentence:
"They have the shape and form of human males, but they are not men."
He is clearly straining to appear literary, but at considerable cost in accuracy. Unless, of course, he believes that only right-wing males believe the Muliaga family bear at least a portion of the responsibility for their recent misfortune.
This suggests that he doesn't get out much, and hasn't bothered looking at letters to the editor, blog comments, or the comments section on the NZ Herald website.
To add insult to injury I suggest you read (not!) the column he penned today in the Sunday Star Times defending helen's Clark attendance to the funeral of the Samoan woman who died earlier this week.
Trotter is beyond redemption, but unfortunately Wellingtonians have to put up with the weekly dose of crap he dishes out in The Dom Post.
Collectivist par excellence. Trotter, the perfect judge, treating Mrs Muliaga as an individual, but tribalising all those who are critical of the hounding of Mercury Energy.
He is judge, jury and executioner in respect of Mercury Energy and its contractor - but demands no judgment of the people most directly responsible.
He is the same man who would blame fast food companies for people being obese, as if the poor underclass he claims to care about are too stupid, needing the helping hand of his nanny state to save them from themselves. Few are more vile than the middle class socialist comfortably sanctimoniously trying to rescue the poor from the bad rich men, because he thinks they need his help.
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