This is a superb post from Stephen Franks. Right on the money. (My own recidivism calculations are here);
What breathtaking hypocrisy from the politicians frothing to condemn Mercury and propose new criminal liabilities.
They were never at my side when I called for accountability from the politicians and officials who design and run the parole system.
The Mercury policy had to have extraordinary bad luck to hurt someone, no individual involved thought they were calculatingly allowing an innocent death, and this is the first known case of its kind.
Those responsible for parole know with certainty that the evil men they release will hurt and kill. They deliberately do not keep count, but simple extrapolation from remimprisonment figures suggests that as many as 10,000 victims of avoidable violent crimes per year pay the price of the callous theory and carelessness of the parole mandarins.
I hope the “corporate” bashers go ahead with their lawmaking plans. Then we’ll turn it on the public sector pharisees who cause the far worse mayhem.
Word of the day
2 hours ago
Nobody even knows yet that this womans death was caused by the cutting off of her power.
She was very ill, dying actually.
Perhaps the incident advanced her death maybe it didn't.
A huge assumption is being made here.
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