In 2000/01 the average stay in a women's refuge was 14 days. Now it is up to 44. It appears the women's refuges are becoming a source of accommodation.
"Ms Henare said the Government had identified violence as an issue, but it had been 'incredibly lax' in funding non-government organisation providers."
Work and Income already provide housing and accommodation supplements so why is the government expected to fund further services?
Women's refuge perform an important function which the public support voluntarily. We are told the current financial crisis is due to rising domestic violence but it must also be due to the length of time that people are spending there. They need to sort that out instead of calling for more government funding.
Brown well placed to be re-elected
53 minutes ago
spoken like a true femnazi scumsucking low life.....crawl back under ya rock where you belong and do us all a favour
A hell of a lot of them need to start using the grey matter before moving in with some worthless POS.
Most of the time anyone with one eye opened and a couple of brain cells rattling around in the cranium could spot a lowlife not far enough up the evolutionary ladder to bring up a hairball, much less a family.
That's not a popular point to make, but is true, neverless.
thats just it oswald, the truth is far too damning for the femnazi so they lie and lie and lie and spin spin spin to achieve their goals.
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