George Tiller, who endured countless threats, an assassination attempt, bombings and assaults on his clinic, and many legal challenges by anti-abortion extremists was murdered in his church by such an extremist today.
I am greatly saddened by his death and by the loss of a friend to me and countless women, but I am also outraged that this could have happened again. I and the Feminist Majority Foundation had the privilege of knowing and working with Dr. Tiller over the last two decades. He was a courageous, unassuming, and soft-spoken man who cared deeply about his patients and about women's rights and lives. He knew his life was in danger, but continued to provide vitally needed healthcare services to women when few others would.
Dr. Tiller expected no accolades - he was doing what he knew was right and medically needed. However, he deeply appreciated the gratitude he received from his patients and pro-choice supporters nationwide. I am glad so many of us had the opportunity to thank him -- He deserved it.
*Progressive Myths*: The Kling Club Convo
1 hour ago
Tiller specialised in late term abortion, and had just been in court over a very improper setup (at least 19 cases in the suit) for fast tracking late term abortions without following proper procedure.
Maybe some nutter related to this court case is involved? It's highly likely but not definite (unless the Feminist Majority Foundation is sitting on evidence I haven't heard)
Isn't it sad when a life is forcibly ended?
But he was hyprocriical as a church-goer and abortionist, wasn't he. No one should be murdered in cold blood - isn't that what abortion, especially late-term is?
Why hypocritical. The Bible doesn't say a fetus is a human being? The OT law said if two men were fighting and they accidentally ran a woman through with a sword they have murdered. But if she is pregnant and they kill a baby only their crime is merely destruction of property not murder. The best the anti-choice brigrade can come up with is taking other versus that and trying to twist them to be about abortion when they are entirely different topics.
In fact, during the biblical period new borns were exposed and left to die.
Gee Anon. The Bible might not say that a fetus is a human being, but science does. Let's not worry about so-called hypocrisy - just admit you are comfortable killing humans and be done with it.
In fact, during the biblical period new borns were exposed and left to die.
That has to be the quote of the day. This was a pagan practice, and the Christians turned this around by setting up orphanages and adopting many unwanted children - walking the walk.
You might want to consider that some people are against abortion because technically and , scientifically it is killing a living human being. You don't need religion to be against abortion.
So, do you think it's all right to murder a baby once they are born, or are you going to get all "Christian" on me?
Actually, it has been scientifically proven that the foetus is a blueprint for life from the second of conception, to say otherwise is just an outright lie, it is not just a bunch of meangingless cells, it is a litle human being, soon to be full blown with its own unique and individual traits, that has a right to grow and blossom. Of course abortion is murder, it's sad that so many have swallowed the outrageous lies of the Left on the issue, and the hypocrisy amazes me, you care for human rights, except for those of the unborn, but very much alive.
I don't think Tiller's stance on abortion or any discussion on abortion is relevant here. The man was murdered because somebody disagreed with his views. That is outrageous. It is also outrageous that the church he was murdered at was later picketed by anti-abortionists who basically said that he had gotten what he deserved. I'm just waiting for Westboro Baptist to turn up there...
Luggage is right, there is no justification for forcibly ending a life like this.
Now Luggage, think about that a bit longer. It has far wider implications...
"Luggage is right, there is no justification for forcibly ending a life like this."
In my post I specified what I meant by what you gloss over by "like this": I wrote "because somebody disagreed with his views".
I do not mean to apply "outrageous" to all possible motivations for ending a life forcibly. That would be entirely too sweeping a statement because (a) the debate about when life starts is far from settled and (b) cases in which there is more than one life at stake can by no means be solved by a simple application of "don't kill". Things are not that simple.
"I don't think Tiller's stance on abortion or any discussion on abortion is relevant here. The man was murdered because somebody disagreed with his views."
I'm with you Luggage, I commented at another site - That a debate has broken out about the ethics of this doctor would indicate that the fact of his death is secondary. He is gone but there will be no peace for his family while the actual and figurative post mortems proceed.
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