Staying on the subject of Rodney Hide I have only just come across this interview. For ACT candidates especially, have a listen. None of us wants to appear lacking at public meetings and attempt to cram in a fair bit of policy around this time. If you are anything like me the grey cells start running out. Listening instead of reading is sometimes a more efficient use of what is left.
This is a great interview about entrepreneurship, tax, the economy, role of government and ACT's short and long term goals. Finding it is fortuitous for me as I have a business breakfast to address tomorrow. I feel more confident knowing my own response to matters such as business indulging in special pleading (at the expense of other businesses without their hands out) is echoed here (far more ably I hasten to add:-)) We need to clone Rodney but by the time the state had grudgingly given us permission we would doubtless have exhausted our money, energy and enthusiasm.
Hat tip Angel Investment
Gas Guzzler – Leaving Paris – Trump Toon – Greg Smith
33 minutes ago
Hey Lindsay....just to are being a real trooper after "last week" and all ACTs 5th ranked list member (;-) ) I will be inviting you to all my public meetings to warm em up before I unlease the goods during the campaign!
Interesting comment.
If you are the fifth member, James, then ACT are a bigger bunch of knuckle heads than even I thought. Although I shouldn't bite: the mix of naivete and arrogance in your post, on second thoughts, denotes a rather weak joke. Surely.
I hope.
I read that as a compliment by James and a joke, hence all the smilies. Of course I do not know Mark and maybe missing something.
Either way I want to add my comment that it is great to see Lindsay coming out firing this week after last week.
Yeah, but there's no point firing from the side lines: she's the one getting the media attention, she's the one who has done her homework in the most crucial area of New Zealand society that will be the end of us all, the Welfare State: put her in Parliament. Let her fire the shots from where it can make a difference.
Or so says this Libertarianz voter.
Whoops, she's the cat's mother.
Sorry to take about you like you're not in the room Lindsay :)
... talk about you.
Mark....its called a grip.....get one please!
Lindsay .. I must say there's probably not much respect to be gained from ballroom dancing, swimming, bright coloured jackets, asassinating and climbing over dead bodies to achieve some sort of public acclaim in the political domain ... and creating and pairing oneself with a Lazarus-like Rogersauranus whose time and habitat are well and truly passed can only further entrench the view that 'all the world is a stage ...'
It all appears but an act Lindsay, the only part of which carries any real substance or conviction are your own efforts ... I think you've backed the wrong horse and that the completion of the act will see a 'new age' rural/metrapolitan/professional female alongside Rodney ... probably a TeAwamutu lassy.
I wonder who Mojo supports....
I have to say that Rodney has won a huge amount of respect from me for his dancing, swimming, and school pantos.
AS one who dreads getting on the dance floor at parties, I know exactly how he felt. I to could do with loosing some weight, I think the turn around in Rodney is amazing and his swimming stamina awesome.
As for his work in pushing for bringing Winston Peters to be held accountable, I think he is owed a great debt :-) by NZ.
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