Here is a married couple charged with 'P' offences. Not convicted. The judge says that it will be a long time before the trial takes place. They are remanded in custody and CYFS take their four children aged 4 weeks to 13 years.
The thought occurred to me that Sue Bradford has a bill which would allow mothers to keep their very young children in prison. Some already do but this bill wants to extend the period and expand the practice.
Here is a mother of a month-old baby being separated from it when she hasn't even been convicted of an offence.
Every single bureaucrat costs you $16.5 million
48 minutes ago
Is a mother and baby a big risk under house arrest?
Where is Annette King's Law of Commonsense when you need it?
If you like this story you oughtn't have missed 60 Minuites this week.
Still avaliable online though...
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