Thursday, February 23, 2006

Abortion ban closer

South Dakota is moving closer to passing legislation that will virtually ban abortions. In nearly all cases abortion would become a felony carrying a five year prison sentence or an $8,000 fine on doctors or others who perform them.

Bans do not work. Not only do they fail to control the 'undesirable' activity, they produce other negative effects.

Point of interest; NZ has a much higher abortion rate than South Dakota. Ours is around 45.5 per 10,000 of population; South Dakota's is 10.6


Anonymous said...

This is great news and I hope that other states will consider doing the same thing. Unfortunately at this stage however, if mothers are desperate for an abortion, they can probably travel to another state.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, heard this on the radio and they said that this bill had been passed already.

Anonymous said...

So you are a fan of back alley blood baths and blunt coathagers being used on frightened teenage girls then James...? Actual human beings have rights , potential human beings do not...and certainly not over those who already exist

Anonymous said...

What I think is wrong is that the rights of the child are not respected just because it is convenient to do so.