The police are running around ordering people off Christchurch beaches. Their message: "If you're not exercising, clear out." So you can skip on a beach but not sit on it.
It's a revolting and indefensible state of affairs.
But it set me off again on trying to get my head around another consideration.
Many New Zealanders are not law-abiding. Think the size of the black economy. Or that some don't bother to register a birth. Or that substantial numbers lie about their family circumstances to qualify for a benefit. Or the extent of still-illegal cannabis use. Just a few examples I can substantiate for any readers who think I make stuff up.
Despite the PM's patronising and puke-making accolades for our en masse efforts, do YOU honestly believe the level 4 lock down was dutifully observed across the country?
I don't. Not for a minute.
Yet the Covid incidence reduced anyway.
Which explains why Australia's far less intrusive and stringent lock down measures achieved similar results.
Britain vs Russia: Which Is In Worse Shape?
49 minutes ago
Your opinion is based on guesswork. I'm afraid even the most inept scientist could not advise a course of action based on that.
Sweden that went into a halfarsed "shall, we shan't we" voluntary lockdown with twice our population now has nearly 3000 deaths as opposed to our 45 if we had the same population, Their economy is being hit just as hard.
They are on course to be an island of infection like the UK in which citizens will be banned from crossing borders unless tested and quarantined.
Doing it my has it's long term drawbacks.
Petri Dish
Only entertainment is a walk around the neighbourhood playing spot the breach. Most people comply but as always it's the few. Still that few is visible enough. I certainly will never view the police in the same light again.
Grown people enjoying the beach being lectured by the police about personal and social responsibilities. What did the authorities think would happen. Not just the public building sand castles.
Meanwhile Kiwi rugby league team fly off to Aussie to play with their balls, families following soon. "We are all equal in this lockdown, only some are more equal than others."
We will also be an Island but maybe not an infectious island.
Arriving here your first two weeks will surely require you to be in quarantine. Such a lovely start to your time in NZ.
Our elderly and those that are most at risk can be protected while the rest of us could be allowed get on with it.
Petri Dish pulling out the cherry picked Sweden example in an attempt to justify the NZ lockdown.
Petri, ever hear of Belgium mate, yep highest death rate per million in THE WORLD.
And Guess what. They went in to lockdown.
Let me cherrypick a few Countries that Didnt Go in to lockdown and look at their deaths per million.
Vietnam. Zero- But they did start quarantining early and wear masks!!
Cambodia Zero. But did close schools, pubs and clubs
Japan. 4 deaths/million- same as NZ But no lockdown.
Hong Kong 0.5, but No lockdown
Yawn and many many more
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