Help me out here. Below is a selection of passages from Bomber Bradbury's blog. Now I know Martyn likes to use hyperbole and stir people up but surely, he can't really believe what he writes? Perhaps it's a case of saying it enough will make it true.
Employing as much objectivity as I can muster, among my small circle of immediate friends and family - and whose views I know - support or otherwise for the PM is 50/50. I listen to talkback most days, especially when out walking dogs, and again my sense is that the country is split. There maybe a gender bias operating also, with males tending to not support the PM more than females. Of course there is another younger generation I don't know much about.
But if Bomber is right the silent majority must all be as enthralled as he is. What do you find in your circles?
Warning. Hold your nose.
"Voters who have voted Blue their entire lives have been bewildered by Jacinda’s competence and are considering voting Labour in gratitude..."
"Jacinda’s extraordinary leadership not only through this plague but through the White Supremacist Terror attack and the volcanic eruption (all the while being new mother) have lifted her to legacy level."
"We are seeing a political leader who has every chance of being Prime Minister for 4 terms."
"Jacinda has won the vast majority of New Zealanders over. She asked for lockdown sacrifice and the nation obliged, there is a real sense of pride and gratitude in her leadership that builds an electoral loyalty."
Word of the day
47 minutes ago
In my circles I find many mums don't like Jacinda and object to her entire approach. Young people (-22) that I know love her except a few who quickly get put in their place, and almost all my work colleagues are highly favorable of her. So my in my circle Jacinda probably has the hearts of 70%.
Wait until the fallout from job losses hits and see how many love her then. The Brits loved Churchill during the war but that didnt stop them from voting him out at the next election.
Well it was obvious he was losing his grip on reality and his sanity when he blocked me on Twitter, Lindsay.
I really like Damien Grant, but I can't listen to Bomber and Grant together on Magic anymore; Bomber it just too irritating.
Personally, with the now totally unnecessary but economically devastating continued lockdown, the wheels are starting to fall off for Ardern I think. I reckon by September with record unemployment, and massive misery, people will be wised up and they'll go. Noting level 3 is still lockdown for most, the 75% of economy is back line being run by Grant Roberston, is straight out lies, as that many businesses might be able to get into their premises now, but if they have no internet presence, and most don't, then customers not allowed in means they're still selling nothing. Most of my clients had no income for the five weeks until end of April, they still have no income now, and no way to pay the bills this month. The business failures are only just starting now: you can't close an economy like this and get some sort of miraculous recovery: it's all too late.
When it comes down to it.
The election will be based on the economy.
Jacinda will be pushing the we saving millions of lives, we knew the cost but we will give out billions to keep you surviving with our shovel ready support.
Simon will be saying ????
Who knows....
Some waffle about we have a plan....
Then putting is PR lack of skills in place to piss everyone off.
Its going to be interesting>
Jacindas PR skills, verses Simons Gaffes..
Farming puts us in a privileged position as an essential business and day to day life hasn’t changed much for our staff and us, but I don’t think any of us are looking through Bobmber’s rose colored glasses. We’re worried about the economic meltdown and the social and health problems that will come with it; we’re sick of being talked to as if we’re children; appalled by the inhumane treatment of people not permitted to be with dying family members . . . Stephen Franks sums it up well: :
“...It is chilling too, being reminded of the credulity of the world’s chattering classes, deeply impressed by political exhortations to be kind. The respondent Director General has almost every day recently recited the “be kind” mantra of the PM, his de facto Minister. But clearly from the facts disclosed in the case the Ministry has treated the instruction for what it has proved to be – an empty political slogan. The Ministry seems to have been under neither constitutionally intended democratic supervision, nor confident and diligent political leadership. A competent Minister at the top would have intervened to apply the experience of a career outside politics. A half way competent and well lead Ministerial staff (including the office of the Prime Minister) would have recognised the signs of high-handed indifference in the correspondence. They would have invited a Prime Minister with intellectual confidence to inject common sense to what was plainly a bureaucratic lockstep. And that is before anyone even talks about “kindness”.
We’ve elected politicians without enough prior life tests and career leadership experience to exercise democratic control. Without authoritative experienced oversight, some official cultures will inevitably become immune to their own convenient cruelty. “Be kind” means nothing without the leadership diligence that makes it practical, everyday, and integrated among all the other demands of hard decision-making. ..“
If she is such a good leader how come we ended up with David Clark as Minister of Health?
What qualifications does he have to perform that role?
Where has he been as this "crisis" has been unfolding? Riding is censored bike that's where = Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.
My God these ivory tower types don't understand people - how many people have died alone without the comfort of their families at their side or a priest if that is part of their cultural heritage?
That video you posted of the police hassling people on Sumner Beach, young mums with their kids playing with a bucket and spade, a young couple sitting in the sunshine doing what young people should be doing and being harranged by the police and shifted on that is so censored outrageous...
And that more Kiwis are not up in arms over this is a great disappointment ot me
J. Ardern has far more in common with Nicolae Ceausescu than Mother Thereas and that's a fact.
Britain was stony broke after the war. So yes people vote on the economy.
Mark, ditto. And I do think Damian has genuinely stopped enjoying his work currently.
HP I understand that you are not suffering from ADS though I think another of your commenters failed to grasp my feeble attempt at humour.
Ardern and competence are not words that fit together in the same sentence.
mrspdm and I both have little to no respect for her with her one shining effort being at the time of the Mosque shootings when she was very good.
We have a daughter (turning 50 this year) who will hear no wrong of Jacinda - mind you about 15 years ago I told said daughter she was well on the way to being a communist. Many a true word said in jest it would seem.
>>> her one shining effort being at the time of the Mosque shootings when she was very good.
Yeah well there were not any hard decisions to be made over the mosque shootings, just pull that patronizing hurty face out and pretend to care.
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