Just listening to Mike Hosking interviewing John Key, and on the back of a Horizon Poll that shows ACT support up to 5.3 percent, Hosking asks the PM is ACT a 5 percent party? Key is emphatic. No. Then he attacks the poll.
I don't think he should be going down the road of attacking polls. Echoes of Clark. Polls have been his best friend. Sure the Horizon Poll may have its shortcomings but it is one in a parcel of polls which together tell the public what voters are thinking. He and people like David Beatson , can naysay the existence of people who want more reform than National will ever undertake, all they like. But they are not going away. And I stick by my prediction that ACT, under Brash, can poll up to 10 percent. I just wish a deal of it wasn't going to come from anti-Maori sentiment.
Political Caption Competition
2 hours ago
As Don knowns his indicative polls are already showing upwards of 15%.
Key must be running scared - Key/English simply won't be able to command a majority of ACT+National in the next parliament.
If Key doesn't want Brash as Finance Minister, it'll have to be an alliance with Labour.
Or perhaps John "I'll never raise the age of super" will just resign so that what needs to be done can be done!
We need a softer Brash and a tougher Key.
Key is losing the plot by trying to appeal to people who did not vote for him.
It’s Hosking btw, not Hoskins.
ACT is just regaining the voters it lost in the last decade. 1 in 7 Kiwi’s have voted ACT at an election so as any good salesman knows getting back lost business is easier than getting new. Ignore the polls at your peril John Key. ACT is back!
Poor Neville key does not have a bone in his body.
All power to a resurgent ACT.
We need a softer Brash and a tougher Key.
We need a much much tougher Brash and we don't need Key at all!
All power to a resurgent ACT.
we can only hope so - that would be great!
Key is scared shitless, that's what it is. If Brash can put a good team together (and I've advocated widely that you should be in it), drops virtually the entire current caucus and doesn't make silly mistakes in interviews and general presentation, he's going to be the next finance minister.
And I stick by my prediction that ACT, under Brash, can poll up to 10 percent
ACT is currently polling "up to 10 percent". But it won't get anywhere near 10 per cent.
ACT is getting massive positive feedback since Don took over as Leader. I know that feedback from the public is "anecdotal" of course, but the next poll will show a real boost.
The top two issues that Don needs to push are the economy and One Law for All. He is on track, he resonates with the disgruntled National voter, and he has a real chance of being Finance Minister after the election.
the very nature of ACT voters means they have probably up sticks and left for Australia. The over taxation and downright failure to address living standards shortcomings by the policies of Hard Labour over the past 12 years has driven them to it.
But not all is lost. My guess is that of the 1m NZers in Australia 100k of them will be Brash supporters. Brash and the rest of ACT need to work those ex pat connections and get the buggers to cast specials. A trip to Sydney, Brisbane, Melb the Gold coast and important mining towns like Kalgoorlie and Port Hedland and Karratha will pay massive dividends
he has a real chance of being Finance Minister after the election.
he has a real chance of being Prime Minister after the election - Minister of Finance, Minister of Ending Welfare, and Minster of Selling SOEs look like a done deal.
Had to smile at the effect this poll is having on Adolf over on No Minister.
I am glad ACT is not supporting the Horizon poll. If they did they would lose all credibility. To be of any use a poll must be scientific. That means random.
ACT may well get 15% but this self selecting poll is no indication.
the polling is flawed.
If you looked into the ownership structure one would be unsurprised if it were a few of Labour's lackeys who set the thing up in the first place as a counter to more credible polling co's results which were going against them big time at the last election (when people believed Key was actually worth supporting as he represented change and step forward toward prosperity and freedom, alas we got Helengrad years10-12)
"If you looked into the ownership structure "
Mort, I assume you are talking about the ownership structure of Horizon.
Would you please expand.
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