...or at least talking (around 44:00) about it.
In the studio with Sean Plunket on NewstalkZB today, Key brought up the issue of welfare reform virtually unbidden. No, I didn't ring to pose a searching question, as I have in the past. He knows the statistics off by heart and referred to the WWG report, the recommendations of which he seems to want to take on board. And it isn't just about saving money says he. It's about the social implications of having 11 percent (12 actually) of working age people on a benefit and the lessons their children learn or don't learn about acquiring skills and being self-supporting. Spot on. That is the most important angle to approach it from. TICK.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
the WWG report, the recommendations of which he seems to want to take on board.
The WWG recommendations - most of which will just flush billions more down the crapper with "active case management", upskilling, remedial lifeskills education etc etc?
That's not welfare reform.
There is only one welfare reform: stop paying welfare. That's the only real reform - and the only metrics that matter are how much is being wasted on welfare, per person, and in toto.
Given NZ's position is worse than Portugal, Ireland and Iceland the only responsible position is to just stop welfare
They never stop it, they want votes, and to stop it means not beng in power. Simple as that. The safety net is now a noose around the govt's neck. National are lying in the bed made by Labour a long time ago.
Key (and National) are weasels. Out with the wimps!
Yep. No welfare reform what so ever.
In fact: the reverse: yet more billions flushed down the crapper
can i have your name and adress so that when im homeless i can rob you, even though i have worked 20 years and have a neck injury now you call me bludger , dont be a coward post your name you white middle class prig. and on yes i have paid my taxes over the years and intend to get back to work as soon as i can , i have no intention of being on a benefit forever. guys like you are why i have joined the mana party.
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