I really, really don't want to be insensitive or offensive here but there is something that always puzzles me. Tragically, a keeper was attacked and killed by a lion today and the lion was subsequently destroyed.
This is a rare and valuable animal kept in captivity for the purposes of, one assumes, preservation of the species. It is commonly understood that such an animal, given the opportunity, is quite capable of killing. So when it does just that, we destroy it. Can anyone explain that to me?
Elon Has The Power – Topical Toon – Pedro X. Molina
27 minutes ago
Kill a Tiger for being a Tiger...
I think its called payback Lindsay.
We could apply it to some of the animals in our society - like the ones who maul "their" children
My thoughts exactly Lindsay.
People get complacent around these big cats. It's outrageous that the creature was killed.
I've always thought zoos were ok, this has made me think again.
is joint should be closed down. It is run by an idiot whom is suing is mother after he was caught having an illicit sandwich.
"who is"
Because now it has a taste for zoo-keeper blood, it will try to escape and decimate the staff of zoos worldwide. It just goes to show you can never be too careful.
The other thing that gets me is that most zoos will lock these animals in their sleeping enclosures when cleaning their main enclosure, and vice versa. Simple common sense, I would have thought. This not only should not have happened, it need not have happened.
Well thats one tiger that won't kill again - problem solved.
Maybe the tigger should have had another two strikes before being taken out?
That tiger shouldn't have been there in the first place. It was one of those white ones which you hardly ever get. They are specifically bred so that humans can look at them and go "wow, look, a white tiger". Yeah, some species need to be protected, but you can't tell me that this is the first thought on their mind when they are breeding white tigers...
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