Thursday, May 28, 2009

Budget 2009: Welfare Forecasts

Further to my post this morning - no plan, no vision, more welfare.

- A 31 percent increase in total spending forecast by 2013.

- Unemployment to rise to almost 100,000 by 2010/11.

- DPB numbers to rise by 13 percent - far too optimistic without policy change

- Accommodation supplement expenditure to rise by 45 percent.

- Childcare assistance funding to rise 41 percent - why, when unemployment and DPB is also forecast to rise? Why are we paying other people to look after children we are also paying their unemployed parents to look after?

- "Other" benefits spending to rise by 39 percent.

- Cost of Super to rise 32 percent (because there will be no lift in qualifying age despite life expectancy growing steadily).

- Income related rents expenditure to rise 47 percent.

- Spending on the "In Work" tax credit to drop by 11 percent. That's what ambition looks like.

What an uninspiring, lacklustre, roll-over-and-die bunch of figures.

(All of the above are based on actual spending in 2008 to forecast spending by 2013. The population, by the way, based on the last 5 years growth, will rise by 6 percent.)

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