Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is there another sponsor for Peter Brown's bill?

In between mowing two lawns I must break to comment on NZ First Deputy Leader Peter Brown's resignation. Why? Because he was the sponsor of the Death With Dignity Bill. It was still in the ballot. The only live challenge to the status quo in respect of voluntary euthanasia. Will another party pick it up or draft similar? I very much hope so. It would be a good opportunity for ACT to reassert its traditional liberal credentials. The individual is the rightful owner of his life. Not society or God.


Anonymous said...

It would be law if only Libertarianz were in Parliament :-))

Yes, great opportunity for ACT to take up this cause and see it through.

Life belongs to the individual, not the state of any mythical god.

Adolf Fiinkensein said...

Maybe that's why they're not.


How very appropriate that NZ First is considering 'death with dignity.'
Will the survival of Winston Peters as leader allow them to achieve it?

Unknown said...

Good post Lindsay. I hope another party picks this up: it is one of the most important pieces of legislation that we should have, and the current situation is not only cruel, it is plain offensive.

Anonymous said...

"and the current situation is not only cruel, it is plain offensive"

Yep, what would poor old Armin Miewes be able to eat for dinner ?