Yesterday was a terrible day. Fourteen parents lost beloved children. I'm not sure people who aren't parents can actually appreciate how precarious and vulnerable being one makes you. Most would lose their own lives before their child's.
Not this one.
Reported by the NZ Herald;
...Ms King told Kahui the twins were in critical danger and were they were unlikely to "make it through this one".
"I'm sure I got the point across. They're f***ed."
Yesterday I found Macsyna King's crying in the witness box repugnant. You think I am too hard. But picture this. What do the other three children she has abandoned feel as they watch their mother on the telly supposedly grieving over her lost babies. Do you think they might wonder what is wrong with them that she never shows any care for their mere existence?
What some would give to have their cherished child returned to them. She just tosses them aside. It is a cruel contrast to stomach.
Sowell says
32 minutes ago
I gather the twins mother didn't visit them whilst they were in ICU, which was duly logged in the files as this is a sign of dysfunction and abuse.
The ICU units countrywide share info and experiences with their sister units in order to improve their service.
I cannot put it any other way but these people are scum. No other way to describe the behaviour of these "parents".
Even animals will treat their off-spring much better.
Who said there is no underclass in this country?
Apart from the fact that the cops want her to give the evidence that will get Chris Kahui convicted, I cannot see why she is not in the dock as well. She is an animal, no more, no less.
We sat at tea last night and I felt particularly sad that on one hand you had parents greiving for their lost children, and the next item on the news was Macsyne King's crocodile tears.
Brian Smaller
The other thing that appalled me was that she admitted looking after her kids while high on P. So why is she not being charged for neglect, drug use etc.? Or is she getting off for the show she is putting on.
I think she killed them and it will be this space.
What a shallow, self-absorbed woman she is. I think it is time that the press published how much the state has paid to support her, her drug habits and to reproduce.
From what I have seen - I find the mother to be a much more likely candidate for murdering children than Chris. I wonder if a jury will agree.
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