Go out and buy a packet or two of Girlguide biscuits. Ordinarily I wouldn't bother but as the sourpuss, Sue Kedgley is sticking her nose in, calling for a reduced sugar recipe after a Nelson college banned them, I couldn't resist. And I bought the chocolate coated ones. Get a life Sue.
I didn't know they had chocolate ones- best put those on the shopping list too!
I used to like the plain ones buttered!
Good on you Lindsay
Oswald, I bet you put vanilla wine biscuits together with butter too. I did. Made them much more interesting. 'Specially squeezing the butter through the holes.
Real full cream butter too.
Hypocrites. The schools are the first to come around and try to sell you chocolate and sweets to raise funds.
Has the fun gone out of life so much that we now have to encourage to make healthier treats?
Nobody is suggesting GG bikkies are anything but an indulgence yet the Greens want to make an issue out of it.
Time for Nandor to give Sue a few tokes so she can feel at one with the universe.
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