Ban McDonalds says Prince (is he getting like his father?) Charles;
The comment came as he attended the launch of a public-health awareness campaign in Abu Dhabi. Touring the city's Imperial College London Diabetes Centre with the Duchess of Cornwall, he asked nutritionist Nadine Tayara: "Have you got anywhere with McDonald's, have you tried getting it banned? That's the key."
He didn't much care for the ban on fox-hunting, swearing to leave Britain forever. But it's OK to stop his common royal subjects from enjoying a Big Mac.
You can only surmise that the eccentric Charles has been speaking to Sue Kedgley and the Green Party back in the Dominion.
Ahh, but the Duke is funnier.
Best case when he had been sent out to officiate at one of the decolonisation ceremonies in Africa in the 1960s.
There they are, the Duke, the ex-freedom fighters-soon-to-be-dictators, various other Pooh-bahs...the Duke leans forward and whispers to the soon-to-be-dictator "are you sure you want to go through with this?' The microphone was already on.
Charles' trouble is (1) he takes himself too seriously (2) he is serioulsy deficient in the brain department and lacks the commonsense and self knowledge to realise it; and (3) he's a wimp.
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