Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm from the council and I'm here to help

Like ----. Here's another council horror story. Risk assessment on mince pies ordered.

I seriously considered (for all of two minutes) running for council to try and stem the bureaucracy but apparently the beast just churns away, much of the activity unbeknown to councillors until it hits the fan and they cop the flack.


Anonymous said...

OK, that is just utterly atrocious! They have no right to do that!

Unknown said...

"They have no right to do that!"

Being the property rights advocate you are I'm sure you'd agree they have every right to set whatever rules they like on their property (the village hall).

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Council property is public property. Out-of-control bureacracy can still make or interpret and impose rules that the majority of 'shareholders' disagree with. That's always the risk with communally owned property.

There is also a glut of silly regulations that councils or central govt can impose on people operating on private property.

Unknown said...

"Council property is public property.Out-of-control bureacracy can still make or interpret and impose rules that the majority of 'shareholders' disagree with."
I personally don't think the 'public' side of it makes a substantive difference as it is still under the control and ownership of councils. Yes we can have a say in it's use but I don't see that as a 'shareholding' in any normal sense of the word. But I agree that the bureaucracy can impose rules not only that it's users disagree with but that are often quite clearly potty.

"There is also a glut of silly regulations that councils or central govt can impose on people operating on private property."
Yes, and this is where I'd agree with Kane that in an ideal world "they have no right to do that".

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Councillors, are you standing for Council or Community Board Lindsay?
I'd vote for you!