Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An alternative form of birth control?

After some discussion yesterday about birth control I thought on reading this, if you lived in Christchurch, it just might be enough to put you off.

Radical plans to tackle overcrowding at Christchurch Women's Hospital may mean low-risk pregnant women are barred from giving birth there.

Under proposals yet to be put out for consultation, pregnant women who are deemed unlikely to have complications during labour would be directed to primary birthing units, such as Lincoln, Rangiora or Burwood, or advised to have a home birth.

An epidural for pain relief would not then be an option.

On the other hand they could turn up to the Canterbury Charity Hospital which exists for people who cannot get treatment from the public ones. I was going to give a bouquet to Pete Hodgson yesterday for finally sorting the bad blood fiasco but I've changed my mind.


Berend de Boer said...

And on the other hand, since when has giving birth become a medical complication? Given my background I find it really weird that women go to an hospital to give birth.

Anonymous said...

That's fine Berend, but it bloody hurts. And recent research has shown that there is a better overall result if women have an epidural for pain relief. Based on personal experience, and recent reading I have done, I think women should have the choice.

Anonymous said...

Berend one of the bigger causes of death amongst women historically was child birth.

That being said one of mine was born in the car on the way to the hospital and that turned out fine.

But that has nothing on one of my wife's aunts who was born in a ditch after her mother went into labor after jumping in there to shelter from Nazi strafing and that turned out fine also.

I think that the bearing and raising of the next generation is the most important thing that we are called upon to do.

And providing a safe and comfortable environment for women to give birth is an appropriate use of our communal resources. We all benefit from this.

Anonymous said...

Complications during childbirth have been a major cause of death in healthy young women in the past. Modern medicine has reduced this significantly - check out the Triennial report as to 'Why Mothers Die' that comes out of the UK. Further, with modern medicine we hope to be able to reduce morbidity in both the mother and child; things like severe vaginal tears and future faecal incontinence, and cerebral palsey
or even death of the baby.
Labour pain is the most severe pain a woman will ever experience. A lot of women cannot endure such severe pain and relief of this pain facilitates the birth and reduces adverse effects on the child.
There can be no doubt that the model of care for pregnant women in this country is substandard and that with direct entry midwives the women of our country have been done a disservice.

Berend de Boer said...

Guys, in The Netherlands the majority of the women give birth at home. Works perfect. Just look at the data.

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Seems to me childbirth is a highly variable experience but I'm with Linda. "It bloody hurts". I had epidurals with both but only when it was recommended after hours of difficult labour. The option should be available.

A bit like pethidine should be available to somebody passing a kidney stone.