Sunday, September 17, 2006

Losing it

What drivel is in the Sunday Star Times today. Chris Trotter has to be read to be believed. With nothing of substance to say he resorts to fictional analogies; malevolent forces on the move, unspeakable evils unseeable but underfoot. I am surprised he stopped short of conjuring Brash; the new Black Rider. Is he becoming unhinged?

And that weirdo Wishart is deplorable. How does he live with himself? Churning out tired innuendo about Peter Davis to make a buck. Says he's a Christian? If Brash has let down his "christian" values what can be said about this man? He dropped his off the Empire State building.

Some commentators are in a feeding frenzy with not a scrap of sustenance in sight. Their thirst for power-through-print makes them pathetic.


Anonymous said...

The far left like Trotter and the Christianists like Wishart have far more in common than most people consider.

backin15 said...

I missed Trotter's comments, being out of the country, however I completely agree with your appraisal of Wishart Lindsay. A tragic character.

Brian, you've made the same comment on kiwiblog and been offered an answer - it appears you either don't understand or prefer to remain ignorant. Can I suggest you read Dean Knight's legal research on this issue - his blog is Laws179.