I just don't buy this;
Homophobia is being blamed as a major cause for high levels of violence among men.
Senior lecturer in community psychology at Waikato University, Dr Neville Robertson, says by far the majority of violence in this country is carried out by men.
He says there is a range of reasons for male violence, not the least the perception of needing to be macho. Dr Robertson says too many men still believe they ought to be the boss, fearing that otherwise they will look "gay".
Firstly I take issue with the statement that "by far the majority of violence is carried out by men". There is plenty of evidence to show women are just as violent, if not as 'effective'.
I believe high levels of violence are due to stunted emotional growth, childhood abuse, alcohol and drug use, some psychiatric conditions and exposure to violence in movies, games, etc.
And female violence is growing. Is that due to homophobia also?
Gas Guzzler – Leaving Paris – Trump Toon – Greg Smith
31 minutes ago
a clear homophobic hate crime?
I see that Dr Robertson says
"He is particularly interested in institutional responses to violence against women. Other areas of interest are child abuse, the prevention of family violence, crime prevention generally, community development, and gender and cultural justice."
So there is plenty of story in this crime to feed at least some of these agendas
He overly states his case. I do believe violence is more a male trait than a female one. And hormones have a lot to do with that. And he is correct that some mean think if they aren't macho they are gay. But to say this is a major reason is over stating the case. If he said homophobia was a cause of aggression against gays I would agree.
It sounds like the next step in laying out the need to counter homophobia in more strident ways. So the inference will be, that if you are anti-whatever ways they will dream up to counter homophobia then you will be pro-violence. Just like those who are against the repeal of S59 are considered to be pro-violence.
Homophobia causes violence?
yes in some very infrequent cases.
But taken as a % of all the violence in society it is very very small.
To criminalise this is to demean all the other victims.
Personally I think this avenue is a political one and like the regularly proposed "hate crimes"bills, is aimed at shutting up people who differ from the liberal PC brigade on different matters.
This whole issue of violence is one that needs to be discussed and discussed rationally throughout society.
Especially in schools but who controls that dialogue I wonder?
My observation is that idealogies are driving it and depending on what organs of state or social activity they control, that dictates who may speak and whom is demonised.
The press themselves merely reflect this.
Men do not have to be violent to be men, neither do women to be women.
But like all things, without rational balence we swing one way or another.
Common values dictate common sense.
What's our worldview on this?
Mine is that there is such a thing as righteous violence (as an expression of protection, even preemptive if need be).
That said outside of this people are violent because 1. that is easier than discussion or 2. they have been taught it or 3. they are impotent (have no other choices) or 4. they choose to control that way.
A policeman assaults you when they arrest you, but provision in law excempts them providing the arrest can be shown to be legal.
In regard to Sec 59 I think we don't want to go down the repeal route as that will make criminals out of fair people.
But we do need to properly convict the abusers usuing the more than adequate existing laws.
However the NO Violence crowd are so far to one side on this there is no rationality.
Sadly the deceit in their arguements are not addressed in the dialogue.
And around we go in circles.
Michael Mckee - Seatoun
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