Advertising infant formula is banned under the Code on Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes, but companies are expected to be self-regulating. However Nutricia has breached that and even stated a baby can be fed formula from birth - for some there is no alternative - and that a baby can be breastfed and bottlefed simultaneously. Wow. Outlandish. So now the Women's Health Action group want requirements of the Code made compulsory.
We are all idiots are we not, unable to make up our own minds about the needs of our children.
Monday, July 10, 2006
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Your link Lindsay needs repair
Until fixed this one will do
Infant Formula Ad Breaches Code
It seems the breach occured in an Australian Magazine. Does this mean that these people wnat this issue of the magazine pulled from the shelves, since the NZ Government has no authority over Australian magazines.
'tis truly a storm in a teacup.
I can see why they want the ad pulled. It's a single ad now, but if not vigoroursly opposed it could be 20 ads in the future, and then a society where the expectation is that women bottle-feed. Where babies are automatically fed bottles from birth.
It seems breastfeeding has undergone a resurgance lately; done solely on the backs of very committed, sometimes seemingly "Breast Nazis". They are up against companies who stand to make a lot of money from each baby, because once a baby is bottle-fed, it can't go back to breastfeeding. The milk's not there anymore and nipple-suckling is far more difficult than bottleteat-suckling.
I wouldn't consider "breast to be best", just normal. Great marketing slogan though, because once you establish something to be "Best", you put it outside the reach of normal people, leaving it only to the committed and/or fanatical.
Lucyna, "Breast Nazi".
I actually agree with this post Ms Mitchell.
It is too bad you have used your talents to bash beneficiaries re the Kahui case. As long as you continue to push your anti-women agenda you can expect to be called on it.
You could not care less about the death of 2 Maori babies - after all those babies would have grown up on welfare and been a burden on the state. The mother gets less welfare now - so the best outcome all 'round - no? You are using this case to promote your bigotry and can expect to be called on your extreme radicalism --and I will use my influence to do it.
Today prejudices against certain groups are being clothed in idealistic-sounding rhetoric. That's dangerous. In the past, bigots didn't wrap themselves in universal values while advocating the disenfranchisement of those they hated.
Never been a fan of formulas. The containers are nowhere near as atttractive!
Ruth...Lindsays forgotten more stats and cause and effect relationships nregarding welfare and its effects on people than you will ever know.If you can't handel the facts then pipe down and go whallow in your womanhood or what ever it is you do to effect some "self esteem."
If you aren't part of the solution then you are a part of the problem.
Breast milk is best.
Unquestionably so for many reasons.
My son wouldn't latch on. So in the end we breast pumped the good stuff for 3 months (poor Mum!) until we switched to bottles.
No drama. No problems. Easy.
But here's the sting in the tail: at the Hospital (it was our first baby), after 2 days of extreme frustration with lactation coaches, industrial (painful) breast pumps and a lot of pressure to get the kid to drink from the mains supply, I finally decided to make a stand and ask for formula.
My wife was in a terrible mental and physical state, my son was stressed because he was hungry and NO ONE OFFERED FORMULA.
I asked for it.
I may as well have asked for nuclear fuel.
I had to sign forms to release the hospital from all responsibility and to agree I was counselled against this move. It was made obvious to us we were taking the easy way out, and we had lost their respect as human beings. Staff (with the exception of two) became gruff and barely functional. (The two told us in confidence we would be ok, and that they could not speak out publicly for us in fear of losing their jobs)
My son is now 3y 3m, very, very, very healthy, taller and heavier than average, strong and smart as a tack.
Baby 2 is 20 weeks in production. This time, the hospital will not be able to intimidate first-time parents again if the strategies in place to provide a better latching-on surface fail or the baby shows poor skills. I'll take charge and the zealots be damned.
The fact that first time parents were made to feel ex-communicated from society for a decision which was brought on by need, not even choice, was disgraceful.
But zealots do not listen to reason, and letters of complaint were probably dust binned.
james, I come here to read all views. Please do not play the role of the Blog's host. You have no standing here to be telling people not to post what they think.
Too many blogs only have commenters that all agree with the blog host and anyone else is vilified. Yaawn.
This is a good blog. It is whata blog should be. Please do not try to "cleanse" it from opinions you do not share.
That's my request of you as a fellow commenter who has no standing either.
Belt....I was responding to Ruths attack on Lindsay....don't like it? tough.
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