Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Criminogenic programmes

There are around 7,500 people in NZ prisons.

According to the Corrections Department, "For many inmates drug use is a factor in their offending. The Department provides interventions, programmes and special treatment units, designed to help inmates understand the link between their addiction and patterns of offending and to stop using or distributing drugs."

So how are they doing?

Simon Power to the Minister of Corrections (13 March 2006): How many inmates started the 100-hour Alcohol and Drug criminogenic programme in each financial year since 2000/01; what are the numbers for the 2005/06 year to date?

These are the numbers of starts on all criminogenic programmes including alcohol and drug programmes.

2001/02 109
2002/03 233
2003/04 159
2004/05 103
2005/06 80

Impressive isn't it. And how many Psychological Service staff are employed by Corrections?

* Staff (2004/05 full-time equivalent): 116

More staff than there are inmates entering programmes.

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