Tuesday, December 21, 2021


I especially liked this comment from my good friend Mark Wahlberg whose actions, as I have come to appreciate, speak even louder than his words:

' 35 years ago after leaping into the void at 5000ft and discovering my parachute had a mind of its own which didn't involve my participation, I realised for the first time the prospect of death was a traveling companion on my lifes journey.

I have written before about my battles with an inoperable cancer and the insidious poisons doctors introduced into my body to keep me alive while around me others died horrible deaths.

I stopped believing in the power of political healing so long ago I cant remember when.

I have no fear of dying from Covid or the vaccine they claim might save me.

Some suggest "Jesus Saves", but I would have to die for proof of that

I believe in the power of me and mine and leave the lives of others to sort out for themselves.

"Today is the tomorrow people worried about yesterday" '


Zoe Black said...

Thumbs up.

Eamon Sloan said...

For Mark:

You have recognised and mentioned the name of Jesus. That is a start. Ask for him in prayer. Compose your own prayer, he prefers short simple prayers. It’s all between yourself and him. If he sends you a sign of some kind you will know what it is. Again, it’s all between yourself and him. I am sure Jesus will reward the patience and forbearance you have shown.

Anonymous said...

I can see why this is attracts you so much. "Look out for yourself and screw everyone else"

But that's not enough for you.
Oh, no.
It's not enough to simply ignore others (while exploiting them) you actively seek to harm them.
You get off on the thought of people- even children- suffering and going hungry.
The thought excites you.
You are a psychopath.
Please follow your idol, and just leave others be.