Friday, December 10, 2021

Green cynicism

More idiotic inferences drawn by the Green Party. 

Maori beneficiaries have more debt to MSD and so have, on average, higher repayments.

The figures were obtained by Green MP Ricardo Menendez March, who said it reeks of systemic discrimination.

But wait. If Maori had fewer and smaller benefit advances you can imagine the same outcry.

'Maori are being denied access to loans. That's racism.'

Maori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says:

"It's just scary, it is really, really frightening. The Minister ... we demand she take charge of this and explains to those and the rest of Aotearoa, what this government is going to do to take this burden off these whānau, off these wāhine and their tamariki." 

What a bind the Left has gotten itself into with their intractable refusal to blame individuals for problems of their own making.

The result is they are now pointing fingers at each other with the Greens and beneficiary advocates blaming the Minister for refusing to instigate a debt amnesty. It's her fault!

The other aspect of this business is very cynical. Politicians are using Maori to push their own barrows. Ricardo Menendez March is a non-Maori socialist but it suits his purposes to yell 'discrimination' at every opportunity. Accusations of racism not only shut detractors down but demand some sort of redress and recompense.

No matter that the redress is wrongful given no actual case of racism has occurred.

That's just how New Zealand rolls right now.


alloy said...

The discrimination absolutely clear here.

Maori have greater access to state loan funding.

pdm said...

alloy - that is not the only thing.

Our GP showed mrspdm Maori health entitlements about a year ago - what other New Zealanders get (the other 84% or 85% of the population) apparently dwindles into insignificance and now Angry Andy wants to ramp that gap up further.

Max Ritchie said...

You’d have to wonder about this man’s twisted logic, where Maori beneficiaries getting more loans than other races is somehow discriminatory. Should there be some sort of IQ test before an MP can be sworn in?

gravedodger said...

Classic case, point a finger and it is likely three are pointing right back. The MP for Tijuana is an oxygen thief short and simple.

Anonymous said...

I can't help wondering if the MP for Tijuana would have the courage to spout his nonsense in public, in the country of his bith.