Mana in Mahi - Strength in Work will pay a wage subsidy to employers willing to hire a person receiving a main income support benefit, and offer that person an industry training qualification.I'm underwhelmed.
This latest 'initiative' by Labour, specifically Andrew Little, is a big yawn. The country has' been there, done that' so many times before. Think 'Compass', 'Community Wage' and 'Jobs Jolt' operating respectively at the middle, end of the nineties and mid-2000s.
In fact we are doing it right now. It's called Flexi-wage subsidy:
If you're interested in hiring one of our candidates, but they need support to gain the required skills for the job, we may be able to help with a subsidy for things like training or mentoring.Get Jacinda, stealing the limelight yet again, in the fluro vest no less, making another grand gesture to her demographic.
You can fool some of the people some of the time....
What is it with the fluro vests?
It seems like it is a compulsory accessory for any Government announcement these days.
Are they hoping it makes them look "cool", or "competent", or "workers"?
I don't get it.
Somewhat of an unfortunate name ... reminiscent of the Nazi Party 'Kraft durch Freude' (KdF) Strength Through Joy movement.
'Compass','Community Wage','Jobs Jolt', 'Mana in Mahi','Arbeit Macht Frei', don't you just love slogans? Not!
I had noticed the dodgy slogan but thought not to mention it. Shows how little history some know - and I'm no shining example!
I remember the days of "Taskforce Green". I was employed to do data entry at a public library for their new user database. It led to permanent to work but nevertheless I never worked out the green angle.
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