The John Campbell Show made a rare appearance on my TV screen tonight. His hectoring, biased style turned me off long since. But trailers during the TV3 News persuaded me to stay tuned. Another chance wasn't warranted though. His protege went stalking John Palino with some "serious questions, SERIOUS QUESTIONS." One actually. Why had he spent so long in the car with Bevan Chuang? Now, I can imagine many plausible answers to this. Some good, some not so good. But Palino maintains he talked about the threatening texts at her request. He engaged with the shouty she-Campbell to the best of his ability referring her back to a comprehensive statement he'd released earlier and continuing to hold that he didn't know about the Chuang/Brown affair. All the time she over-talked, interrupted, and ear-bashed Palino. He did well to stay as calm as he did.
Then we flick back to the studio where Campbell oh so reasonably and humbly insists that the invitation was open to Mr Palino to go on the show and tell his side of the story. Give me a break. He would have been subjected to even worse thuggery than he met in the carpark.
Again, I'm not holding a candle for either side. As such I am interested in objective reporting. Once again Campbell illustrates why his show isn't the vehicle for that. It has become an enclave for bully-boys and girls shameless in their efforts to take down their targets.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
Exactly what I thought - and hopefully thousands of others. 7pm on TVOne and TV3 are now a complete laughing stock
Yes, Palino, PALINO, is the bad guy. Not the elected official, Len Brown, who went to town.
TV3 and particularly Campbell are not about the news or factual reporting - they are about viewer numbers to attract advertising. TV3's viewer numbers were up last night so they achieved their ends.
Compare and contrast Campbell Live's treatment of Palino with the "friendly" interview bestowed upon Len Brown. The lack of balance is worthy of a BSA complaint.
BSA complaint has been lodged.
The programme sponsors are Mazda and I understand they are getting commercial stick for the continued support of this farcical programme.
Palino did not have a two years sordid affair with Cheung.
His "Worship the Mayor" did, as he has now told the Councillors and all staff to address him.
Not quite. Truth is more like: "It has become an enclave for leftist bully-boys and girls shameless in their efforts to take down their targets.
The question is: Will Campbell learn from this folly, or will he chuck it into the 'whatever' bin. Likely the latter.
Can't see the BSA seeing this as any other than 'type' of journalism.
Campbell is a total disgrace, a hack who deserves no audience.
Unfortunately, he will never be fired by TV3.
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