I just watched a SUBWAY TV advertisement for some new healthy product which is "girlfriend approved". For chrissakes. I immediately said to my daughter, do you want to be the gatekeeper of what your boyfriend eats?
Men have always been hen-pecked but why make it standard operating procedure? Oh, but I forget.
A major newspaper recently crowed over women now being smarter than men.
I can't help but notice that when IQ differences between ethnicities are suggested, all hell breaks loose. But claim a difference between genders, ie men are 'dumber', and that's fine and dandy. Imagine an equivalent headline to the linked story, "Sorry Whites, Blacks are smarter."
Why are sensitivities about ethnicity - fizzing amongst feminists especially - absent for gender?
I don't really care if Subway want to advertise "plus salad in case the missus is looking". It must work for them. It just bugs me that political correctness is applied so selectively. Look at the fuss from the feminists over the Tui TV ads that have, they say, a "very corrosive effect on women's self-worth". Are they going to get upset about TV ads that make men look incapable of thinking for themselves?
Classic Railway Film: #4 – The Bristolian 1957
26 minutes ago
There has been a notable increase in this type of advertising in recent times. The Subway ad makes me cringe. As does the Mother energy drink ad where the blond comes in and the men meekly point to the can of drink (implies they can't take responsibility for their actions so the big blokes are weirdly submissive to a petite stroppy blond woman, and they don't accept responsibility for their actions as it was something beyond their control).
Advertising reflects attitudes of society so not sure what this says about our culture, but it isn't good.
The ads are nothing AIR New Zealand's policy of not allowing men to sit next to an unaccompanied child. The HRC does nothing about it.
What sensitivities about ethnicity? Feminists are silent at Muslim ill treatment of women.
How do you cut a blog post out of a computer monitor to show it to your wife?
You don't. you send it to her facebook.
The not-so subliminal message is emasculation.
Shouldn't you be taking a pic of the salad you ate today?
The kiwi father has no rights in a feminist justice system. Unlawful male gender discrimination is the norm for govt depts., like the cruel family court and the dysfunctional CYF. Three decades of socialist girlymen and hateful radical feminist government see them more concerned about the rights of disgusting homosexual types. They c are nothing about the normal family and are hell bent on destroying kids. Just look at our appalling child abuse rate, male suicide rate, fatherlessness etc...etc........What a sick country of evil.
dad4justice, You are a poor advocate for any type of rights with your homophobic bigotry.
So my view on homosexuals makes me a bigot? Silly lady. I think my views are what normal right thinking people think. Get real lady!
Totally agree with dad4justice.
Great posts; ads like this illustrate nothing more than our warped modern society has become.
By being so determined to break off the shackles of the past (patriarchal authoritarian family structures etc) we have gone in the absolute opposite direction where the modern man has to put up with crap like this all the while still expecting to be telepathic as God forbid we expect women to say what they really think & communicate effectively.
I think it is sad that so many people see something like this as an accurate & OK depiction of modern relationships, that this is somehow the standard we should all be aiming for.
Luck for me I aim much higher & have a husband who isnt a you-know-what and who is married to a woman who speaks honestly & doesnt henpick.
Each gender has their own strengths & strengths & weaknesses & in a healthy relationship these are in equal measures where the compromise, love & understanding are the common ground.
Dad4justice - you sound like you have had a few run ins with the the law regarding child custody. And if you are a good father, a loving father determined to be a good role model for your child/ren then fair enough.
But to insult & belittle a whole group of people living a life that you dont seem to approve of is unnecessary and indicative of anything but a positive role model for your child/ren. Especially when you go further and suggest that same group of people are responsible for child abuse, etc.
Honestly, aside from being a completely ignorant bigot, have you no heart? Victims of such appalling abuse deserve far more respect than being dragged into a ridiculous argument of yours.
Funny watching (reading actually) Libertarian types rant about private enterprise spending ITS money on advertising as IT sees fit. It is unlikely anyone in charge of Subway advertising will ever come to this blog so that leaves you to get on the phone and tell them how you feel. Better still, get a sense of humour.
Anon, I said, "I don't really care if Subway want to advertise "plus salad in case the missus is looking". It must work for them."
Hardly a libertarian rant against private enterprise.
Criticising the way private enterprises choose to operate IS free market Libertarianism in action I would have thought....
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