Perhaps the edge is taken off what should be deep sadness, by anger. Perhaps mothers with older children are less emotional than mothers of very young and I am now in the former camp. I don't know.
But we should all resign ourselves to more of the same as the causes of child abuse and neglect, sometimes ending in death, continue to be enabled with state money and state systems. Perhaps not feeling deeper sadness is a protective mechanism. More probably it is just mental fatigue. Human beings are made to be resilient, to adjust, to get used to. That is what we do well.
I am sorry you were failed little thing.
Just watched some black bimbo with shades bigger than her ego on TV lamenting the loss of this child. Maori have consigned their future to the grave and they aint got the brains to figure out why! These losers need to be put down for all our sakes.
meanwhile, all eyes are on the Royals....
Why is NZ not changing our system re CYFS, etc? So much for the anti smacking bill, huh.
Your post: "Benefit numbers rise over the year."
Next post: "Another dead baby."
A causal link?
Lindsay, thank you for actually noticing that yet another child has died. Your comment that neglect and abuse is being enabled by state money and systems is just so salient. It seems CYFS are nearly "always aware", in advance, of these impending deaths, yet they fail to act. CYFS have proven time and time again their complete an utter incompetence. I "switched off" after the Nia Glassie case in Rotorua nearly 4 years ago. CYFS have done precisely nothing (okay a bit of hand wringing) to instil any confidence they can and will intervene "appropriately" when obvious risk is staring them in the face. With CYFS, we are wasting our time involving ourselves. It should be evident by now that reporting such abuse will only bring another tragic outcome. Simply, CYFS haven't got a clue.
The senior management in CYF's need to go, and probably a number of the other staff as well. These problems have gone on too long now, and some radical changes are needed.
I have personally seen the damage that CYF's can do by interfering where they shouldn't. And then they go and ignore families that clearly need help. They can't seem to get it right.
The endless reports that get commissioned are just a waste of taxpayers money, as nothing seems to change. How many more children will die?
Very interesting to see a certain element of the Ngaruawahia "community", responding to a child abuse hui held there on 5 May 2011. Labeling the organizer a "nark" clearly demonstrates the totally incomprehensible, dispassionate and dismissive attitude a certain segment of NZ society holds to the issue of killing kids. Now, if we could only profile this segment of society......
...for the record; the mother of this "dead Ngaruawahia baby girl" has today revealed she is pregnant again. This after one dead daughter and a four year old son who has already been removed from her care. One can only surmise that dependance on the DPB has a powerful influence over the decision making skills of their recipients.
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