This is not an overweight child. It's a chubby baby for god's sake. Unfortunately it is running alongside a headline Number of obese Kiwi children 'scary'.
The highest rates of childhood obesity are concentrated in the poorest deciles and amongst Pacific and, to a lesser degree, Maori children. But does the report allude to those facts? No.
Meanwhile the susceptibility neurotic and angst-ridden middle-class mothers will be looking at their healthy chubby cherub unnecessarily agonising over whether she is over-feeding (and now under-loving) him.
Dan Brunskill: Not in my (Mr Luxon's) backyard
4 minutes ago
Having lived in numerous places the Pacific Islanders I've seen have always been large people. By what standard are they judged obese? Is it by the norm for Europeans? Or by the norm for Islanders? Or do we mix the two to get a norm?
People evolved differently with different body structures. When a govt. uses such "norms" do they take that into account? I somehow suspect that they don't.
What Procrustean bed is used to make these determinations?
The problem for PI's is massive carb overload...not animal fat.They will skull litres of sugary soft drinks and eat a whole loaf of white bread in one sitting...I watched it and felt my arteries harden.
I'd love to see a few PI's tried on Atkins or similar....the results would be very interesting.
Recent revelations have shown the "low fat" dogma of weight loss has very little actual credible backing in medical science.
I've been on a high fat/ protein,low carb diet for two weeks and the results are great.Body fatloss,clearer skin,Im eating less as Im not having hunger pangs,the plumbing is working fine and my blood sugar is very good.Having a carb spluge for my birthday next week but its a managed low carb lifestyle for me from now on.Pi's are being told the wrong things re weight and health.
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