I forgot to mention yesterday that my blog was two years old. When I began blogging I knew I had to find the time for it. The only way that was going to happen was to get up earlier in the morning. So I resolved to get up at 5.15 am each day instead of 6.30. By my calculations I have added 75 minutes of waking time to 505 weekdays for two years. That's 631 extra hours or 26 days. That's not much. But if I blog out my natural life expectancy I would have been awake for 468 days longer. Almost one and a third years. Hell that's still not much. No wonder I have never been a saver. So much effort for so little gain. I mean what else could I have done with that time. Slept. Oh yes. There is a lot to be said for sleeping. I recently read that those people who regularly had eight hours sleep live longer. Live longer?? But they have been asleep for more of it.
But it's about quality of life you say? Shushhhh. Any more talk like that and the government will be passing minimum sleep laws.
Anyway, happy birthday to me for yesterday. Here's to sleep deprivation and more of it.
No benign strategic environment
1 hour ago
Lindsay - well done.
Your a great read, usually first up each day with a well researched topic du jour. So much work goes into each post.
But all those numbers, I need sleep...
Yes, happy birthday for yesterday. I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time now.
Mark Hubbard
Your blog is a 'must read' for me. Your lack of sleep has been worth it to me.
Brian Smaller
Happy birthday indeed, ... and many happy returns.
Good work Lindsay, and Happy Blogirthday.
As they say, the early bird catches the worm. Although (as per another recent post) just make sure you don't mistreat it in any way, or you will be fined by the government for cruelty.
Remember, they spent millions on snail migration too. Is there a pattern emerging here?
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