At least psychologist Nigel Latta has his head on the right way around.
Another inane idea about protesting child abuse. This time from the TEAR Fund.
Wearing the Pledge Peg ( we don’t sell them, just get one from your laundry ) provokes people to ask why are you wearing a clothes peg. That’s your opportunity to talk openly about our crisis of child abuse in New Zealand and explain that we are all advocates and need to accept responsibility for protecting our nation’s children.
Almost every conversation with the Pledge Peg will end with the other person asking for a peg and joining the movement. The Pledge Peg can be a chain reaction. Carry some spares in your pocket.
Clinical psychologist Nigel Latta says the concept is crass and he does not know whether to laugh or be offended. He says awareness will not solve the problems as those responsible for the attacks just do not care. He says campaigning about child abuse is a waste of time. Nigel Latta suggests it is the equivalent of everyone walking around with tomato sauce on their clothes every time there is a murder.
In Occupied Palestine – 20 January 2025
32 minutes ago
Not such a silly idea ... it would turn them all in to mouth breathers, make them more vulnerble to the SO2, NO2, CO2, ozones, PM >er 2.5's & shorten their lives relative to the 'non pegged' nose filterers.
Actually I was inclined to suggest they use it to peg their mouths shut so we all benefit.
I disagree,
While you are sitting around doing nothing but whinning about TEAR Fund and their peg pledge at least they are trying to do something to get people talking about the issue.
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