Media release
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
In response to the latest high-profile child abuse incidents, a number of politicians and commentators have told New Zealanders they all bear responsibility for what is going on.
"To a point this is true. Most of us pay the taxes that fund dissolute and destructive benefit lifestyles." According to welfare commentator, Lindsay Mitchell, "Like it or not we fund the system that over-produces dysfunctional and violent families."
"Not since 1996 has research been conducted into which families are over-represented in notifications to Child, Youth and Family. It was discovered then that children in welfare-dependent families are 4 times more likely to be reported as in need of care and protection. This needs to be acknowledged and, if necessary, the research should be updated, published and, this time, acted on."
"If the majority of notifications relate to children with benefit-dependent parents the association should be cause for alarm - not routinely ignored. Much domestic abuse is alcohol or drug-fuelled. Most people drink, many use drugs. But they control their consumption because they have jobs to hold down and children to care for. Others, who receive a weekly 'pay' cheque regardless of whether they work or tend to their families, spiral out of control."
"As members of the larger society we are all responsible for allowing the continuation of such a flawed social security system. We cannot keep turning a blind eye to what backgrounds the high incidence of child neglect and abuse. It's degenerate lifestyles accommodated by benefits."
Dieuwe de Boer: National’s New Ute Tax
14 minutes ago
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