Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Revisionists at large

I don't know what to make of this, from Conservapedia, A conservative encyclopedia you can trust.

New Zealand was first colonised in 1206 by the Japanese empire under the leadership of shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Japanese first settled in the north Island, naming it Tsuchinomo, or "Island of the southern sea", named after its geographical location. The capital of Tokyoburi, or new Tokyo, was first built where Auckland currently stands. In 1456 the Russian empire claimed the southern Island of New Zealand and named it Kiervniev, or "Southernmost province". Their capital Vodkagrad, or Vodka City, is named after its abundance of wild potatoes, and is located where Christchurch now stands. In 1572 the Russians tried to take the northern Island of New Zealand, thus resulting in the Russo-Japanese war[1]. After six months of intense fighting the two sides decided to call a truce, with each empire retaining their respective province.

On the 13th of June 1796 Australia who were at the time extremely loyal to Britain, and Britain itself, launched two assaults simultaneously on the Russian and Japanese colonies. The assult was a massive millitary victory, with the Australians gaining control of the Tsuchimono and Britain gaining control of Kiervneiv. The two Islands were assimilated into the British empire as one province, New Zealand, with the Islands simply being named the North and South islands respectively. The British renaimed Tokyoburi Aukland and Vodkagrad was renamed Christchurch. The British then evicted the Japanese and Russian colonists and replaced them with British colonists.


Anonymous said...

Your leading early history piece is completely at odds with Item 4.2 "Settlement and History" in the main section, with no conflict with the arrival of Maori in 800 AD, hence this initial summary has obviously been contributed by an unsubstantiated [renegade] contributor.

Otherwise after a quick glance thru' the remainder it is quite good in describing what to look for and find in Godzone!

Spam said...

The whole site is a piss-take.

Oswald Bastable said...

Probably one of those Alternative Universe sites.

Mine has a Viking NZ...

Berend de Boer said...

It was an attempt to launch something as a counterweight to Wikipedia. Anything that reeks of conservatism there is ruthlessly edited out. It's just a waste of time trying to balance things ranging from the Eastern Islands right through intelligent design.

But the site got picked up by a few large organisations and severely hit by people trying to destroy it.

Internet is a low trust environment would InstaPundit say, and collaborative encyclopedias might work, but not the free for all kind.