I was reading about how immigrants are to be taught Kiwi values;
Several initiatives were announced yesterday. They include increasing and improving pre-arrival information about living in New Zealand and the rights and responsibilities of residents and citizens.
Responsibilities. Ha. NZ modern day life is all about rights for Africa and no responsibilities.
But I read on to this;
Migration data released this week by Statistics New Zealand showed the Philippines has become the second-largest source of net long-term arrivals, increasing from an inflow of 500 in 2005 to 2600 in the year to February.
Technically this is correct but it tends to mislead.
The Phillipines is the eighth-largest source of long-term arrivals accounting for only 2.7 percent of all long-term arrivals. The Phillipines has the second highest percentage change between 2002 and 2006 and the second highest net migration because nobody is leaving NZ for that destination. I wonder how many Phillipine brides are influencing the growth?
Permanent and Long-term Migration
By region/country of last permanent residence
Region/country of last or next permanent residence December year Change 2002–2006
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Number Percent
Oceania 17,971 19,261 19,112 19,933 19,499 1,528 8.5
Asia 38,886 33,166 21,287 17,706 20,487 -18,399 -47.3
Europe 24,685 27,370 27,478 29,182 30,262 5,577 22.6
Americas 5,181 5,713 5,683 6,068 6,422 1,241 24.0
Other(2) 9,228 7,150 6,919 6,074 6,062 -3,166 -34.3
Top 10 countries
United Kingdom 18,835 21,317 20,981 22,013 22,695 3,860 20.5
Australia 13,018 14,344 14,216 13,389 13,306 288 2.2
China, PR 15,931 13,253 6,143 4,102 4,271 -11,660 -73.2
United States of America 3,244 3,573 3,451 3,674 3,636 392 12.1
Japan 4,099 4,096 3,802 3,471 3,192 -907 -22.1
India 6,860 5,269 3,052 2,569 2,743 -4,117 -60.0
Fiji 2,283 2,258 2,117 2,808 2,590 307 13.4
Philippines 1,162 893 597 844 2,533 1,371 118.0
Germany 1,034 1,171 1,562 2,080 2,283 1,249 120.8
Korea, Republic of 3,503 3,228 2,204 1,769 1,896 -1,607 -45.9
All countries 95,951 92,660 80,479 78,963 82,732 -13,219 -13.8
"Nationalism is not patriotism!"
5 minutes ago
Hi Lindsay, I was wondering what prompted you to ask the question, "how many Phillipine brides are influencing the growth?"
I stumbled upon your post and I haven't read your other posts, so you might have brought this up another time. I am a Filipino migrant in NZ.
I have no statistics but I have an idea that before 2003, a lot of Filipinas went to NZ to marry Kiwi men. I have met some of them and have been surprised at the number. But why did I mention 2003?
2003 was when the NZ government created the Skilled Migrant Category, which allowed many Filipinos to migrate to NZ. In the light of this influx of skilled Filipinos since 2003, I ask again, what prompted you to ask the question, "how many Phillipine brides are influencing the growth?"
Hi Jesse, It was simply the large increase that prompted the question. Your response has shed some light on it though. It's not something I've really thought about or blogged about before. One day the subject of foreign brides came up on talkback and I was surprised at how many men (or people who knew men) who had specifically travelled overseas to bring back a bride, rang in with their stories. Some had bad experiences, others very happy. I'm am just a very curious person I guess.
(The migration tables do not give a gender breakdown but I am not so curious as to pay for an answer:-))
NZ should allow more Filipino's into the country. They make great maids.
Of course we'd have to lower the minimum wage so middle class NZers can afford them but with near full employment, why not introduce NZers to the maid concept?
Cactus Kate, I would appreciate it if you could further explain why Filipinos would "make great maids".
Furthermore, are you saying that maids in general don't deserve the minimum wage, or just Filipino maids?
Brian Smaller, what "little uniform" are you referring to?
Most Phillipine brides who come here are far better educated than their husband's.
The average Filipino who has access to the Internet is a University graduate of middle to upper class status.
( Said in fun )I doubt few would want to come here as maids when they can earn more in the tax free middle east as a maid.
Do you really want a maid when she is smarter than you?
Taguig, it does not necessarily follow that because a person has a "qualification" that they are smarter! The mere aquisition of knowledge is not much use if it can't be utilised. I have employed many a dud uni grad! Having said that, I respect Filipino women for trying to better themselves and I think it is good for NZ to bring in people who seem to value learning and family virtues! I am constantly amazed at the number of doubtful personalities that we allow to enter this country, but we make it hard for genuine immigrants, I guess it's the old story, money talks!!
Taguig, it does not necessarily follow that because a person has a "qualification" that they are smarter! The mere aquisition of knowledge is not much use if it can't be utilised. I have employed many a dud uni grad! Having said that, I respect Filipino women for trying to better themselves and I think it is good for NZ to bring in people who seem to value learning and family virtues! I am constantly amazed at the number of doubtful personalities that we allow to enter this country, but we make it hard for genuine immigrants, I guess it's the old story, money talks!!
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