For pities sake. Mark Blumsky has been in Parliament 5 minutes and he's
whingeing about not being able to make a difference. I can think of someone who stood against him in 2005 who really wanted to be back in Parliament, who knew why he wanted to be there, how to influence people and get attention. Backbench list MPs have to make their own luck. But if you don't know what you stand for, what it is you are trying to achieve, if you're there simply because you have made a career out of politics...well. Forget it.
In my opinion this seems to be a constant problem with the Tories: neither here nor there in terms of policy; and unable to speak up their minds for fear of offending someone, somewhere.
Blumsky, who was a good Wellington mayor, should find some mettle and get ahead with the job of frontal opposition to socialist Labour.
Another example of a politician finding their political beliefs AFTER they have stood for office. That "assault" was always a bit to dodgey for me, a dew too manu skeletons in the closet to-boot I would guess.
How amusing, Blusmky has to get elected to find out how it feels to be a voter.
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