Friday, February 09, 2007

Madness from the mother country

Here's a couple of senseless safety stories from the UK. First, a school bans football because people are getting hit by the ball and second, police refuse to chase motorcycle thieves because they aren't wearing helmets (the tea leaves that is).

(Spotted in the Adam Smith newsletter)


Anonymous said...

For more UK madness, you should read the brilliantly named

Anonymous said...

For a long time the UK Government played down reports of the madder outcomes of organisations' attempts to interpret and apply the Human Rights Act. But clearly there was growing concern behind the scenes, and recently the Lord Chancellor made appearances in the media saying that if outcome defied common sense, then the interpretation causing that outcome was wrong.

I live in the UK, but my brother is married to a New Zealander and lives there. I am learning a lot about contemporary NZ from this blog, and will look at the country rather diferently on my next visit. In the meantime, on a cold February day I will recall brunch at the Cafe on Kohi in Auckland, and wish I was there.
regards, and thanks for the blog.
