All this angst over eating is unappetising. For the past few years hysteria over the obesity 'epidemic' has wound up and up. Our kids are too fat, especially Pacific Islanders and Maori. Now our kids are too hungry, especially Pacific Islanders and Maori. Give us a break.
The political spat over how many kids go to school on empty stomachs is something of a disappointment. Compared to the debates that came out of the Brash speeches it hardly rates.
My girl regularly goes to school on an empty stomach because she refuses to eat whatever I put in front of her. It is offered every morning. She can't wait to get to school. Last year she got straight As bar one. My son always eats breakfast and is still grabbing something from the cupboard on the way out. I have a nice cup of tea. We are all different.
At school, if asked, I imagine my daughter would say she has had breakfast because having breakfast is the 'right' thing to do. Other kids would say they hadn't in order to get some more. Kids aren't 100 percent reliable.
But we are nevertheless wringing our hands over a survey saying
80,000 kids are not eating breakfast and scrambling around for new ways to remedy the situation.
Key thinks because he is asking businesses to intervene it's OK. But it's still intervention that adds to the sum of dependence. Labour gives people the money for the breakfasts and National gives out the breakfasts. Figure that out.
Eggs, How much am I bid – Topical Toon – Dana Summers
10 minutes ago
At least National's breakfasts won't go to the pu, the TAB or on Pokies. Money will!!
I'm not sure how I see brian smaller concluding that those who don't eat breakfast go to bed very late. He seems to have an entire chain of logic that sounds more like assertions strung together with no link. Kids who don't have breakfast also stay up late (no link). Therefore they misbehave. Therefore they get ritalin.
Lindsay isn't wrong here. We are all different. I almost never eat breakfast and often don't have my first meal of the day until late in the afternoon sometimes not until night. And it is hard to see them complaining that Maori and Islander kids are too fat on one day and too hungry the next.
But that is typical Left-wing rhetoric. Any problem people suggest (except problems with socialism) they latch on to it. And the solution is always the same: we need more government control! Govt. is the solution to every problem even contradictory problems and the market is always too blame for every problem. One doesn't have to be psychic to know how they will act they are just entirely predictable.
There is a connection between hunger and becoming fat.
Those who do not eat regular meals, then binge on fatty and high sugar foods. If compounded by tiredness and lack of exercise they become fat and diabetic.
Also some resort to comfort foods because of living in cold homes (poor housing and high power prices).
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