This website is recommended by the Ministry of Social Development funded Family Violence Clearing House
It is a site for pro-feminist men and features many articles such as "Degendering Daddy";
Ours is a society in which males are still encouraged to think less of females than they do themselves. From entertainment and ads to much relationship counseling and clothing fads, women are constantly paraded and parodied as sexy but shallow at best or outstanding but out-of-place at worst. Though it is not politically correct to claim one's allegiance to this attitude, the thinking yet prevails among males that females are not any more fit to lead men, families, institutions, and societies than an infant attempting to steer the Titanic.
or “I am a woman. My screams are silent,” by some really creepy guy writing about how he has changed (it's so creepy I won't quote from it),
or "Are men evil? Reflections on the tactics and motivation of men’s rights advocates" and "Starting your own group for men against sexism".
Not feeling inclined to read any more, I get the idea this is a site for men who have had a bad attitude to women and are now 'reformed'. What bothers me is they think their former views are representative of most men. And what bothers me even more is that I got to this "useful" site through a recommendation from a govt-funded newsletter, NZ Family Violence Clearing house, June 2006.
Think about it. Imagine an equivalent site where women confess to their previously appalling attitudes to men while intimating that they left the majority behind. Would the Clearing House link to that? Of course not. No such site could ever exist as there are no such women.
Mike's Minute: The Investment Summit looks like a winner
5 minutes ago
1 comment:
They need to read Angry Harry, Lindsay
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