No newspaper this morning which may mean we are cut-off again. Unless one wants to get on the cross harbour ferry. There's always the internet except Firefox doesn't want to talk to blogger. Blogging in Internet explorer is such a pain.
The problem of lazy welfare bludgers continues with a scheme to be approved allowing orchardists to bring in 5,000 mainly Pacific Islanders to pick their fruit. You've got to laugh. The scheme must allow Kiwis first refusal. They aren't exactly queuing.
Mike's Minute: The Investment Summit looks like a winner
5 minutes ago
Yep, surely there are 5000 odd people who would want the chance to earn some $$, gain some skills and spend some time in the sun.
Oh thats right its toooo hard boo hoo
It's temporary work away from where people live.
While visitors such as backpackers or those in this scheme do not have permanent housing to sustain somewhere else.
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