I once had a run-in with Phillip Field over the Social Services Select Committee table.
He became highly agitated about my wanting to abolish the DPB and launched into a tirade about women and children living on the streets of india. Had I been there? Had I seen it? Is that what I wanted for New Zealand? Despite the barrage of questions I couldn't get a word in edgeways. Eventually the chairwoman Georgina Beyer intervened and told him to let me respond. At which point I simply pointed out that India does not have the lowest unemployment rate in the developed world. Well, that didn't help matters. He then appeared to be speechless.
But the impression left with me was of a man barely under control. I'd met him before at select committee, previously he had been chairman, and he was always very calm and civil. But last year he was a different man.
Anyway, I was reminded about this because I came across the TransTasman ratings for MPs in 2003. About Mr Field, who at 3 out of ten only had one Labour MP rated lower (Ashraf Choudary) they wrote;
Another behind the scenes man. Lovely voice but not much else. Faded after a promising start. Where is he?
Political Caption Competition
2 hours ago
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