If the Herald on Sunday politicial columnist and Sunday Star Times political columnist can do it, so can I.
Why is it small parties need two leaders and the big parties get by with one?
Is it possible for an MP to be demoted three places on the party list and promoted to Deputy Leader in less than thirteen months?
Did anybody know that Jim Anderton's Progressive Party has five portfolio spokespeople outside of Parliament?
Who will be elected Prime Minister of New Zealand in the same year we host the Rugby World Cup and will anybody notice?
Why did DPF give Peter Dunne 8 out of 10 for his performance since the election?
Is National's commitment to Individual freedom and choice, Personal responsibility and Limited government as sincere as the US Republican's?
Would HC be better off getting her teeth and face fixed in real life or just in the photos?
Why are our political scandals so second rate when compared with the UK?
Are there any rules against turning up to Parliament in a tux or fatigues?
Does Don Brash ever allow himself the tiniest uncharitable thought about National Party ingrates?
GUEST BLOG: Tadhg Stopford – ACTs Ram Raid on Nz
54 minutes ago
Dunne got Transmission Gully supported, got the carbon tax dropped, is getting to take responsibility for business tax changes and has managed to vote against the Government on other issues without it being a big deal.
Is National's commitment to Individual freedom and choice, Personal responsibility and Limited government as sincere as the US Republican's?
Of course not.
National-daddy-state is little better than Labour-mummy-state.
But to get rid of arrogant-Labour in favour of non-arrogant-National is worth a change.
Who knows, we may even get a little more liberty, a little less red tape and a little more money.
For a while.
David, He's fiddling with child support instead of backing a complete overhaul and fiddling with tax (GPG probably would have given him a 2 out of 10 for tax changes). But I'll grant you he is very good at doing what he does best - sitting on the fence:-)
Belt, in which case, it probably is as sincere as the current Big govt Republicans.
I don't think HC would be game enough to take the time off to have the cosmetic surgery required to fix her teeth etc. Even the time under anaesthetic would be too long out of the loop for such a control freak.
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