Friday, April 21, 2006

Children's Commissioner accused of "bullying"

Here Maxim have picked up on a release from the new Family First Lobby group which is headed by Bob McCoskrie, formerly host on Radio Rhema. If true, it's disgraceful but sadly, not surprising.

Update; TelstraClear News says it has been approached by one of the social workers involved who confirms the story.


Swimming said...

I believe it is true - after speaking to the Childrens commissioner about it.

I think she is covering up the truth when questioned about it.

David said...

I'd like to say I'm surprised but sadly, this appears to have been just another indoctrination lesson. Reminds me of George W's "You're either with us or against us" quote. Doesn't leave a lot of room for rational debate really.

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Dave, I sat next to Kiro and her cohorts at a meeting last year where various party representatives outlined their policies to improve the lot of NZ children. Bill Gudgeon from NZ First got up and opened his briefcase. Put a framed photo of each of his mokopuna on the table in front of him and proceeded to give a speech Apirana Ngata would have been proud of. Welfare is hurting Maori children. It was absolutely heartfelt. Kiro et al virtually stone-walled him.
(I rang him the next day to express my appreciation).
When they don't hear what they want they send the person to Coventry. This incident sounds like another variation.

David, like your new blog -

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows about bullying it would be the fundamentalist Right like Maxim.

Swimming said...

Lindsay, I have been told that this meeting was one of a series of meeting up and down the country. So perhaps it is not an isolated incident.